PIC offers paid services from our experienced editors, including feedback, notes, and advice to take your comedy to the next level. From first draft to final copy, we offer guidance for writing at any stage. Read testimonials from both established and new writers.

To place an order, add an article and associated details to the form below, then check the box at the bottom to pay for the desired service.

Punch up your writing and technique with us through:

In-Depth Written Feedback ($29) 

  • Get detailed insight and feedback on one article: how it’s working, where it could use improvement, and what's falling flat—plus tried and true comedy strategies for your work. 
  • These notes are designed to strengthen both your article and your humor writing process in general. 

One-on-One Video Coaching ($49) 

  • Spend a full hour via video chat working on your comedy. 
  • Use this time to workshop articles, get feedback on ideas and premises, explore alternate directions or formats, expand your premises and angles, hone your comedic voice and toolkit, and more. 
  • Schedule a time that works for you.
  • This service may encompass more than the one article submitted via this form; feel free to follow up in the comments or during the scheduling process with your goals or additional info.

These services are currently offered by our managing editor, James Folta, who also:

  • Teaches comedy classes on parody and humor writing for NYC's Magnet Theater and elsewhere
  • Works one-on-one with writers in NYC
  • Co-created and co-edited The Neu Jorker, a New Yorker parody, and Paul Ryan magazine, a political satire project
  • Co-created The Satire and Humor Festival and hosts the monthly live reading series “An Evening of Humorous Readings”
  • Is regularly published by The New Yorker, McSweeney’s, and more.

James is excited to work with you!

Questions? Drop us an email, we're happy to help.

Please note that standard PIC content submissions are free, and our editorial process is always unbiased.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.